Fred wants to hatch an egg. So he sets off to find an egg of his very own. And it isn't long before he finds a teeny weeny brown egg that needs a little bear just like Fred to care for it. But bears don't have eggs, do they? "This bear does!" says Fred proudly. But does he really...? Fred the little bear learns all about nurturing in this humorous story.

小 熊阿雷看到天鹅妈妈在巢中孵蛋,自己也想孵蛋。但是熊妈妈告诉他,熊能直接生小熊,不下蛋。可是阿雷还是想孵蛋。他走进树林里,找到了一个小小的棕色的 蛋,然后就开始做巢孵蛋了。他孵啊孵,孵啊孵,却怎么也孵不出来。这是为什么?这是一个什么蛋呢?熊妈妈是如何向他解释的?这个蛋最终被孵出来了吗?


~ Nurturing readers ~ Chinese children books by (Singapore)


Book Details
Title 小熊孵蛋 Fred and the Little Egg
Author 朱莉娅·罗林森 (英) Julia Rawlinson
Illustrator 简·马西 (英) Jane Massey
Translated By 金波 审译
Publisher 外语教学与研究出版社
Date Published 1 December 2006
In Language Chinese (zh-cmn)
ISBN 9787560061313
Reading Level Ages 7 and above (Reading to Child Ages 5 and above)
Genre Children, Humour, General Fiction, Action and Adventure
Total Pages 25

小熊孵蛋 Fred and the Little Egg

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